Ski System Complete

  • Space for 48 pairs of skis and poles on approx. 1.5 m2
  • Fixed storage space for each pair of skis
  • Can be designed as a children’s ski rack
  • Suitable for all types of skis, including twin-tip and cross-country skis
  • Suitable for indoor & outdoor use

The multifunctional storage miracle Ski System Complete: on rails, rolling or stationary!

Rail system : This system uses stainless steel rollers in the frame, which allow smooth and quiet gliding even under full load. In addition, specially designed clamping rails prevent the trolleys from falling out.

Rolling system : This system is characterized by its robustness and flexibility, thanks to the use of plastic rollers. It consists of a pair of steerable rollers and a pair of fixed rollers.

Floor system : Perfect for outdoor use as it can be firmly screwed to the ground.

Each of these solutions is designed to simplify the management and handling of your equipment while ensuring safe and stable storage.

Designation Dimensions (W/H/D) Capacity
Complete 100 Rail 100/119/52cm 16 pairs of skis + poles
Complete 150 Rail 150/119/52cm 24 pairs of skis + poles
Complete 100 Roll 100/129/52cm 16 pairs of skis + poles
Complete 150 Roll 150/129/52cm 24 pairs of skis + poles
Complete 100 Floor 100/119/52cm 16 pairs of skis + poles
Complete 150 Floor 150/119/52cm 24 pairs of skis + poles

Execution: Complete 150 rail
Sale price€ 2 227.00

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